Allergy Treatments


There are two main types of  asthma: one is allergic when allergic trigger is known (seasonal e.i grass or birch pollen related) or perennial (house dust mite, mould related or professional), and non allergic when it is not possible to identify allergic triggers.

Asthma is treated according to to GINA (Global initiative for asthma) guidelines to achieve control.

Avoidance allergens and triggers is very important in good control and maybe adopted into a patients existing package of allergy treatments. A novel methods of allergen avoidance is called Airsonett– system that removes almost all allergens from the beating zone during the night improving asthma symptoms.  In some cases it is possible to desensitise people with allergic asthma.

Our task is to help our patients to live normal lives and keep the minimal level of medication that will control their symptoms.


Allergic rhinitis, Hay fever: 

Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal and perennial, it is also very important how many allergens are involved in sensitisation and if it is possible to avoid contact with them.

In general antihistamines should control uncomplicated cases they can be taken in tablets or nasal sprays.  Steroid nasal sprays can also be helpful. Specific immunotherapy allergy treatments can significantly improve quality of life when it is indicated and help to stop further sensitisation to other allergens.


Allergy to bee and wasp stings:

Venom allergy is quite common and is very dangerous. When people experience systemic reactions after being stung: fainting (drop of blood pressure),  swelling of throat and tongue, generalised swelling they might be candidates for allergy treatments.

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