When is the right time to see an allergy doctor?

Allergy doctor

When is the right time to see an allergy doctor?

Allergies can be scary. The symptoms range from annoying to life-threatening. They make you think twice before you do or eat anything. With such a big question mark hanging over your head, it can be tough knowing when it gets serious enough to ask someone for help.

There are specialists out there whose job it is to treat allergies. But when is the right time to go to one? Maybe you think your allergy isn’t serious enough? Here’s what we think you should consider next time you ask yourself that question.

How does it affect you?

As we said above, allergies can be little more than an annoyance. Many people who suffer from mild hay fever will know what that means. Sniffly noses, itchy eyes, and scratchy throats aren’t life-threatening and an over-the-counter medicine will usually do the job.

But if you find your allergy is affecting your daily life, then it’s time to visit an allergy doctor. In the case of hay fever, it might be preventing you from sleeping at night or over-the-counter medicine is having no effect.

For other allergies, they might be having a similar effect. If they stop you from sleeping, eating, or working, then there’s a problem that needs addressing. Also, pay attention to if they affect other parts of your health. This may be something like problems with your breathing or a past incident landing you in the hospital.

And if you have a food allergy, it might be worth visiting an allergy specialist just in case. Food allergies lead to anaphylaxis which can lead to death. An expert will give you the advice you need to stay safe and avoid the food that’s harmful to you.

The benefits of an allergy doctor

So why would you visit an allergy doctor instead of your usual GP? Simply, it’s because they are a specialist in this particular area and will be better equipped to answer your nitty-gritty questions.

They can carry out an allergy test if you’re unsure what you have, identify your triggers, and give you a treatment plan that works for you. They will also have access to more specialist drugs that should be capable of treating severe allergic reactions.

If you have an allergy, just know you aren’t alone. 20% of the UK population has some sort of allergy. You should always take your health seriously and if you ever think your allergies are causing you harm, don’t hesitate to talk to a professional. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Our allergy specialists are well-equipped to answer any burning allergy questions you may have. Don’t suffer in silence; get in touch with our experts today on 02031 433 449 and take control of your allergies.

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