Professor Ram S Dhillon MBBS (Lon), FRCS (ENG)
Consultant ENT & Head & Neck Surgeon
Honorary Professor, Middlesex University, London.
tel: 02 03 1 4334 48
fax: 02 03 1 4334 09
Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat & Head & Neck Specialist
Over 30 years clinical experience
Lifetime Commitment to Clinical Excellence
Special Interests in Facial Pain & Rhinology, otology, Voice disorders and Snoring
Established in Central and West London since 1988
London trained (UCH and Middlesex)
Specialist skills
General Otolaryngology (Adult & Paediatric)
Otology (this includes complex middle ear surgery e.g. Mastoidectomies and stapes surgery)
over 800 major middle ear operations completed
several thousand insertions of grommets/middle ear ventilation tubes
Rhinology/Sinofacial pain (including functional endoscopic sinus surgery and cosmetic rhinoplasty)
several thousand routine nasal procedures since starting in ENT in 1981
lateral rhinotomy, fronto-ethmoidectomy and transantral ligation of the maxillary artery.
Over 1500 FESS operations since 1981
Cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty regularly performed
Diagnosis and management of patients with ENT related facial pain
LASER surgery
Proficient in the use of the CO2 and KTP lasers
Head & Neck Surgery
Performed 1000s of diagnostic procedures including laryngoscopy, pharyngo-oesophagoscopy, biopsies and fine needle aspiration cytology
Patients diagnosed with cancer treatment are referred to multidisciplinary teams
Regular performance of parotidectomy and excision of submandibular gland , branchial cyst and thyroglossal cyst.
20 years experience in the investigation and management of snoring
Use of the flexible endocope for assessment and interpretation of sleep studies
Experience in the medical and surgical interventions for snorin
Facial Plastic Surgery
experienced in rhinoplasty techniques
functional and cosmetic procedures carried out regularly
pinnaplasty / otoplasty carried out with good results
regular performance of soft tissue facial plastics procedures
Voice Disorders
Over 25 years experience in the diagnosis and investigation of voice disorders, particularly for professional voice users
Provide a regular voice clinic with the support of ENT speech therapists
Perform a range of surgical procedures for voice disorders
Skilled in the use of rigid and fibreoptic endoscopes
100s of microlaryngsocpy including vocal cord augmentation injection
functional endoscopic sinus surgery regularly performed