Hay Fever Treatment
Hay Fever Treatment is available through the London Allergy Clinic
Hay fever treatment is usually started after the end of grass pollen season (not later than 4 month before the next pollen season) and is continued all the year round minimum for 3 years.
There are other products for sub-lingual and subcutaneous immunotherapy manufactured in Europe by several pharmaceutical companies.
If you are interested to see allergy consultant and discuss options for hay fever treatment please book an appointment
Please register as a new patient.
After your request the practice manager of a selected consultant will contact you with the details of your appointment.
We will reply to your e-mail request within one day and the waiting list to see our consultants is not more than 1 week
Desensitisation to other allergens (birch, plane, cats, dogs, house dust mite)
Allergen Specific Immunotherapy ASIT can be in the form of sub-lingual drops SLIT or sub cutaneous injections SCIT (allergy shots)
Read more about different methods of immunotherapy.
Specific immunotherapy is a method of treatment (desensitisation) that influences the cause of allergic condition. It us used to treat allergy to to bee and wasp venom (subcutaneous treatment), allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and allergic asthma, caused by sensitisation to airborne allergens (subcutaneous or sublingual)
We routinely desensitise patients to the following allergens in our centre using sublingual route:
- grasses
- trees,
- weeds,
- house dust mite,
- cats,
- dogs
If you are interested to see a specialist and discuss options of treatment please Book an appointment.
We welcome new private patients for sublingual and subcutaneous treatment (SLIT or SCIT) and accept patients for continuation of their treatment who have started immunotherapy (allergy shots) in other counties the US, Europe mainland, Australia, New Zealand and are moving to the UK – London or nearby areas. (We will need to contact your doctor who has started the treatment, subject to vaccine availability).